Sunday, February 14, 2016

Yikes. Another Update.

Wow. The past month has been so hectic it's ridiculous. I had midterms late January, and it just hasn't seemed to stop!! I am exhausted and my teachers have been piling on so much work.

I am currently lying in a hotel room with my mom asleep in the other bed. We're doing some college touring because I have a five day weekend break thingy which is kind of scary. Where has all the time gone?? I feel like just yesterday I was starting middle school and now I'm getting ready to determine what seems like the rest of my life. 

I am going to start creating a plan for my future blog spots especially this break because I have the free time! I'm going to instil a schedule so that I can make my blog more of a primary focus in my life rather than just a secondary or tertiary as it unfortunately has been recently. I love blogging but with school, crew, extracurriculars, etc. I just haven't been able to find time for it which makes sense. Let me know what you all want to see on here in the comments! I already have some great ideas that I am looking forward to so definitely look out for those soon!

I'm sorry for how extended this break has been and hopefully this time it won't happen again!

I hope you all had a great Valentine's day, I spent in the car with my mom and then some dinner at a really cute tapas restaurant! 


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