Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Feeling Healthy w/ a Salad

As I mentioned in my New Years resolutions post, one of my resolutions is to eat healthier. So I decided to share my dinner from a few nights ago with you!! I made the most amazing salad, although I must say that the only thing that would have made it better would have been a hard boiled egg cut up but I was too lazy to do that. Regardless it was delicious!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Marvelous Mauve

I have a new found love for the color mauve. I think that it is so simple and elegant. Not only that, but it seems to go with everything. The weather has not been too cold where I live, so this was perfect with a light jacket! 

This Christmas, my parents gave me a pair of mauve pants and I styled my outfit today around them. This outfit is also what I wore on my first day back to school which was today. It's funny because it feels like I never left for break. It's no longer like elementary or even middle school where they give you a few days to ease back into the idea of school again, I already have three tests scheduled for next week and two quizzes for this one!! But anyways, let's get onto what I wore today!! 

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Q+A, 365 days, 5years.

I love to write. Whether it is a blog post, in a journal, in my planner, whatever it is, I love it. I love being able to record my feelings and memories in my own handwriting. There is something about it that gives me a sense of power. No one can tell me that what I am writing is wrong because it is all my opinions.

One of my favorite gifts I received for Christmas this year was from my parents. It was a small book that was partially empty. I say partially because it is a journal, but not a blank one.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy New Year.

Hi hi hi hi hi!

It's 2016! I have to say that I am not exactly sad to see 2015 end. It's been quite an... interesting year to say the least. But that is in the past! New year, new me right?!

For today's post, I am going to share my resolutions with you all!! I don't think that you should have to wait until New Years to make resolutions. You can start then whenever you want, and they don't have to be drastic either. I think it is important to focus on a few resolutions rather than like 30 because let's be honest, that is more than a little unrealistic. Also, my resolutions aren't necessarily new to me. Most of them are goals I have had for awhile that I just want to continue!